Threat Intelligence

Cyber Security Monitoring

Threat Intelligence Cyber Security Monitoring

Secure not only your data, but your profits with Aegis’ cyber security monitoring

Time and time again, we hear clients say “we are not a bank.  We do not have sensitive personal data that needs to be protected.”  To an extent that may be true, and perhaps you can survive the reputational risk a data breach can cause.

But the bigger question is … can your business survive a data breach?  How many days of lost revenue can you absorb if your systems are off-line and you can’t process sales orders, make product, or even deliver it?  What if your company relies on remote metering or processing transactions to derive revenue?  Can you afford to be offline for even a minute?

Today, the revenue losses, business disruption costs as well as the cost to acquire new customers after a data breach averages $1.59 million.

Aegis Cyber Security Monitoring and Threat Intelligence

Combining the Aegis SIEM with specially trained cyber security analysts and our Threat Intelligence Framework, we can minimize the chances of a security breach and reduce the risk of business losses.

We begin by identifying the key business risks where a breach would be devastating to your business and build your defenses to protect those mission critical systems and processes.  We tailor our threat intelligence feeds and configure Aegis to adjust its monitoring to meet each specific business risk.  Our Threat Intelligence Framework continuously reviews and revises our cyber security monitoring to improve and adjust your defenses as risks evolve.

The Cyber Citadel Security Monitoring Difference

We work directly with our ethical hacking teams to improve the threat intelligence within our Aegis SIEM.  With each penetration test, compromise assessment and red teaming exercise that our cyber security consultants perform, they find a multitude of new ways to breach systems.  Each time they find a new way into a system, this information is incorporated into Aegis so that attack can be recognized and averted.   The coordination between our SOC security analysts and our penetration testing cyber security consultants play a key role in adjusting your cyber security monitoring to meet new threats as they emerge.